Pathway to Care collection

Industry-backed eLearning
Illustrative image related to course content
Pathway to Care collection
Suitable for Care Assistant, Other staff
8-10 hours
Includes 11 certificates
What you will learn
You will learn the fundamentals of the adult social care sector, and gain an understanding of how it works, all from industry experts. This collection includes practical tips, best practice guidance, and explanations from experienced care workers. Start your career in care - or refresh your knowledge - with this introduction.
About this collection

It contains 11 certificate modules, each with short chapters that can be completed in bite-size chunks at your own pace.
Many of the chapters contain videos and pointers for reflective learning. Each chapter has a self-assessment question so you can check that you have understood the key points before moving to the next chapter.
The Pathway to Care Programme can be completed in any order, with certificates provided for each module completed.

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